About UMD
The dirtiest site in the world℠

Carmella, The UMD Goddess
Some folks might fancy a little whipped cream and chocolate to kink up a sexy evening. But some of us would fill a baby pool of it first. Some people like to eat their pudding, and some people like it better dribbled down the front of their suit jackets and into their laps. Most people shower without clothes, but some think clothes are an enhancement of the experience.
Such are the quirks of this gathering place by and for people who enjoy "sploshing," or getting "wet and messy." We affectionately call it "wam," and it means getting covered in any icky, sticky, mushy, slippery, or wet substance, as long as it originates from outside the body. Some of us find a rebellious pleasure in totally slopping up some nice clothes while they're being worn. Some others of us find it most exotic and sensual for an unclothed body to be slathered in the slipperiest, wettest concoctions. Food fights, mud wrestling, wet clothing, quicksand-sinking, messy sex, dunk tanks, and our countless other sub-niches are all fueled by one thing: the thrill of the transition from clean and proper, to gloriously soaked or filthy and wanton.
We do this to ourselves, we do it to each other, and many of us just enjoy watching. It's not supposed to be mean, and hopefully it's not intimidating. But it's totally against what's accepted in our sterile society, and that's what makes it totally naughty, totally sexy, and totally fun. Around here, the figurative and literal interpretations of "dirty" are purposely conflated, and the result is an explosion of primal sexiness of the most lascivious nature.
Even for such an esoteric fetish, our participants have significant interpretations and preferences within it. It's the goal of UMD.NET to support them all, and to link us together by understanding the underlying enjoyment of being (or causing to be) sullied in our own way.
Started in 1998 as a plain collection of text links to various web finds submitted by the very members who frequented the site, we grew within a year to include a chat room, forum, and e-mail list. A good number of people were already aware that wam was "a thing" because of pioneers who had long before released wam magazines, VHS, and web sites. Now folks had another place to meet others who also liked their personal brand of sploshing.
Supported by the 1999 launch of our wam sister pay-site, we were able to keep running, and today we are made possible by download sales, advertising, and most of all, the love and support of thousands of people getting wet and messy together. Because of the communal effort to watch over this site, we've been able to stick around for over 15 years and weather difficulties that would have long-ago crushed a site running just on pure business logic.
I hope that you splash these pages with all the colors of paint, pudding, mud, chocolate, pies, and everything else that you can think of. Let's buck the forces that try to make this a boring, dry, sterile, homogenous world. Let's mix it up a little. And then dump it on the world.
Frequently Asked
What is a Verified Account?linkAn account is considered verified once a photo ID and Compliance Record Holder (2257) information have been supplied. Only verified accounts may upload explicit pictures or videos, or open a store.
Any user may upload the required information by editing their preferences. All documents are transmitted securely, and once verified, they are removed from the internet and stored offline and encrypted. We can only accept government-issued photo ID's such as a driver's license or passport.
Please interact with users at your own risk, regardless of their verification status. Our verification system and the green tick do not denote endorsement, nor do they guarantee that the verified entity is the one actively using the account. We take all reasonable measures to keep bad people off of this site, but there is no substitute for being careful with anyone you interact with and doing your own due diligence before doing any business. We are not officially affiliated with any user and are not responsible for the outcome of any interaction facilitated here. Users' verification documents are not shared with or authenticated through any 3rd party service.
The purpose of collecting ID's is that they must be in our file in case we are presented with a challenge to your age by our biller or government authority. In that case, you will first be contacted with a full explanation as to what is going on. This information will be kept on-file indefinitely while you are here, and for those who leave, we do a periodic purge of unneeded photo ID's and other sensitive information after a reasonable grace period. You may request that we destroy all copies of your submitted documents at any time.
While we do not require you to submit photo ID's of your models and crew, you are required to maintain them, as well as signed model release forms, for your own records. We advise you to expect the possibility of new laws being introduced in the future that would require you to send us to model ID information, but we do not require that at this time.
Why were my photos rejected?linkStarting in October 2021, the credit card companies started requiring that all users uploading new explicit content have to become verified. We must manually review everything and delete any explicit content uploaded by non-verified users. Until approved, new content will be temporarily hidden or replaced with a placeholder icon. Any user can get verified by editing their profile and filling out the Compliance Record Keeper and Photo ID sections. "Explicit" is currently defined as anything containing sex, masturbation, nudity, hard-ons, toplessness (nipples showing regardless of gender), or suggestive touching.
Why didn't my post bump the thread to the top?linkForum threads are sorted by the date of the most recent reply by default. Sometimes an enthusiastic contributor will reply frequently or extensively, causing a thread to dominate the top of the list. To be fair to others' threads, some such replies may not bump the thread to the top. It's important to note that this isn't intended as a punitive action! It's what enables the freedom of unlimited posting with no rules on bumping. Subsequent replies can still bump the thread. To view all threads by their actual last post date, visit your preferences and turn off the Forum Bump Filter.
Why do I have VIP status?linkIf you have
VIP status and did not pay for it, don't be alarmed. You may have been given a complimentary membership because you are one of our
Most Loved community members; We automatically upgrade your account to
VIP status for a day if you are near the top of this list on any given day). You may also have been given this status because you are a top customer, or because admin has given it to you for some random reason! So enjoy!
Why was my payment declined?linkOur biller has an anti-fraud system that is a bit hyperactive. Even if you're legit, your purchase may be blocked due to some unknown red flag. Due to strict privacy terms, we are not given any information about payment declines, but you may contact our biller directly at
Why didn't you delete this offender's account?linkEvery day, people in our community contribute to the moderation process by flagging questionable content and reporting people who may need review. Each report about an offensive user is personally investigated by Messmaster who ultimately determines the appropriate action, if any. The approach is not to make knee-jerk reactions or worry about optics, but to make a real attempt to assess the user's overall intent in order to determine whether they are a threat or just made a mistake.
The process involves reviewing all past flags, notes, logs, and any posts or communications related to the user. When necessary, all users are contacted to gain their perspective and assess their response. This allows every situation to be viewed in context and treated fairly.
Moderation work is continuously happening behind the scenes to ensure a quiet, drama-free experience for our visitors. We do occasionally need to gag or ban some people, while others just need a warning or some help. However, the lack of public announcements about disciplinary actions may give the impression that situations aren't being taken seriously--when in fact, they are. Our system automatically shares our internal notes regarding the decision made about their report with the people who submitted it. They or anyone else who wants more insight into any moderation decision is welcome to reach out via the
Contact Us form or message Messmaster directly.
Why do you allow simulated substances?linkOur Terms of Service prohibit certain substances but allow their fake counterparts. While some may disagree with the optics or intent of using these fake substances, it's more consistent to moderate based on the actual substance itself. Basing enforcement on wording rather than the substance's nature would lead to inconsistent enforcement, as interpretations of intent and presentation can vary.
Why do you allow this weird/disgusting-looking substance?linkThe concept is simple: We accept broad interpretations of wam, allowing content that does push the boundaries of what wam could encompass. Then we provide all sorts of preferences and filters to help you shape your experience as much as possible. We think this inclusive approach is better than restricting content down to a least common denominator of what everyone likes. Those who are intolerant of content they don't like usually think the percentage of it is increasing when it almost never is, and they almost root for this site to die. Don't worry, this site won't go to hell in a hand-basket just because there's also content here that you don't like. :)
Is it moral to post discoveries?linkThe thrill of discovering wam in the real world is why this site was originally created. The community has always linked to sites, pictures, and videos found out there, whether by professional studios or regular people, and whether for profit, for a fundraiser, or just for fun. But we should remember that most real-world wam was created by people who have no interest or awareness about wam, and never expected to gain the attention of a fetish audience. This may not be a moral concern if you, like us, don't view fetishes as inherently evil, but not everybody thinks that way. So on the merit that the content was made public, we will continue to allow the posting of discoveries so long as we are not linking to any content that was intentionally hidden or meant for kids, and we will continue to respect any link removal requests.
How does gender tagging work?linkForum posts and images can be tagged with one gender selection: female, male, coed, or trans. Video and store content is tagged automatically, based on the gender of the models attached. The gender of other content is inferred from the user's own profile settings and gender preferences. Having this info lets us tailor the the entire site for each visitor based on their own gender viewing preferences.
Your gender view setting (in the top right corner of many pages of the site) attempts to find you
all content of that type, even if it contains other things. For example, the Male setting gives you all content that contain males, but so you don't miss anything, we also include Coed content because that also has males. If you prefer to block mixed-gender content, please enable the Strict setting next to your gender setting in
your preferences.
"One-sided wam" is what we call it when content contains a male and female interacting together, but only one gets wet or messy. Whether to label this coed or not is left to the discretion of the author because to many, the person delivering the wam is just as relevant, whether they stay clean or not.
When you have thousands of people freely posting without pre-moderation, it is impossible to guarantee that all content will be tagged correctly. As such, our gender filter can only be so accurate, and it will merely "bias" the site toward your gender preference. Please help us by flagging any mis-categorized content.
How do store owners handle taxes?linkIn order to pay you for your sales and to establish an official business relationship, we are required to ask all store owners for basic tax info. Please edit your preferences and see the
Producer Info section for tax identification forms and instructions.
We do not collect or withhold any taxes. It is always your responsibility to report all earnings to your tax authorities. We recommend classifying your sales income as royalties for licensing your content. Don't forget that you may write off supplies and other expenses. Use a legal professional if you can.
If you live in the USA and were paid more than $600 by check, we will send you an annual 1099 tax reporting form. This form may be sent by mail or made available as a digital file. If you live in the USA and were paid via a money transfer service, they are obligated
by law to send you a "1099k" form by January 31 that covers only the amount paid through them. No tax documents will likely be sent or reported to the governments of producers outside of the USA.
If you were paid both electronically and by check, you may receive one or two tax forms for the corresponding amounts. Even if no yearly tax document was sent, all paid producers are required to report and pay taxes on all their yearly royalties. In the USA, you may be able to report your royalties to the IRS as self-employment income on form
1040 C.
For your own accounting purposes, you should use the date when you were actually paid, not when the sales were made. To get a report on your total annual sales income, use the pulldown on the top-left corner of your
Payouts page.
How do I remove my results from Google?linkGoogle indexes our pages, and even if you've removed your account and forum posts, they may still show up on Google's searches for a while. Google revisits our pages every day to update their listings. When they try to access your old deleted profile for an update, we automatically send them the signal that it's gone and should be removed from their results. Because of this, your info should be wiped from their results relatively quickly. If not, or if you have questions, please
contact us to investigate.
Why would I offer Name Your Price?link...after all, nobody is going to pay for something when they can get it for free, right?
Name Your Price (NYP) is feature that allows download store owners to offer downloads where the customer chooses the price, down to $0.
NYP is primarily an advertising / exposure tool. It's like offering free video trailers, except with NYP the customer has the option to actually pay you for it (like a tip jar). But they may not pay, so it may not be wise to think of NYP as your primary way to offer all your content, or even items that are brand new or that you really need to recoup funds on.
NYP is as a tool that's available for you to boost exposure in a novel way. People are drawn to the prospect of something free and the empowerment of choosing their price. Tons of people are going to flock to your NYP content, and most really will download it for free, just like a video trailer. We don't mind paying for the bandwidth. The point is to use it to bring exposure to your brand and the rest of your catalog. But if you are going to be angry at people grabbing any particular piece of content for free, then you probably should not offer it as NYP.
Many producers have actually made very good income using NYP, but it's up to you to calculate whether your advertising M.O. would benefit from either using it extensively, dabbling in it strategically, or not at all. If you can't fit something like NYP into the bigger picture of your business model, then it's recommended that you not use it.
How do the ratings work?linkThe site-wide ratings system was designed to gauge community consensus about the value of everything that can be added by a user. You can rate photos, videos, forum posts, sites, and even site reviews. The system was built to be fair. You have to be logged in to vote, you can only vote on each item once, and you can only vote any given producer's content a limited number of times per day. It is a rolling ratings system, meaning only the latest X number of votes (currently 100) of any type, for any given item are considered, and older ones are forgotten. This allows an item's rating to change over time. For example, a site that used to be great and had high ratings may stop updating and start getting lower ratings, causing the old high ratings to eventually drop off the end. Or vice versa. Every item's rating is an average of the number of stars users gave it, which gives a level playing field for all items old and new.
We also have a separate scoring system which takes each item's user-rating and weighs it against how old that item is. Every day that passes, any item's score is weighed 1/30th less. When it's new, its score has 100% of its weight but after half a month its score is only worth half as much. Items over 30 days old are not considered at all. We use these date-weighted scores to determine the "top items" in any category such as hottest photos and forum threads, and even wammer of the day. So whatever is new, highly-rated, or both, will likely make the hot list in its section. The scores are also weighted by other factors such as the number of unique views the items have gotten, and any negative reports users have submitted on them. These scores are just relative, numerical indexes that we use internally, so they are not shown to the public. Remember that these scores are independent of and do not affect the star-ratings.
You cannot directly rate other users. However the site uses an algorithm that takes into account everything each user posts around the site. The user with the most highly-rated stuff, the most stuff, and the most recent stuff, gets pushed higher in the rankings. So the more you participate, and the better-rated all your stuff is, the higher your score gets. You might even become Wammer of the Day!
Please don't take it too seriously. It's just meant to be fun and to encourage people to post great stuff. We can see who is rating what, so anyone caught abusing or spamming the system will be banned.
What is UMD Fetish?linkUMD Fetish is a sister site run on the same platform as UMD. It's meant to be a place where wam models and producers can show off their non-wam fetish stuff, and their fans can be exposed to another side of their content. The site caters to the kinky and weird, but not the extreme.
All content sold on UMD Fetish automatically appears in UMD's store's own Non-Wam section, and on listings and search results where the visitor has the non-wam filter set to "allow." A separate profile is required, but both accounts can be linked so you're automatically signed in to both when you log in.
At this time, UMD Fetish doesn't enjoy the traffic that UMD does, so forum posting and other features are not currently enabled as they wouldn't get enough traction. So for now, the site is mostly geared toward the videos and stores. As the site grows naturally, models and producers will determine its ultimate direction, and more features will be unlocked.
What are Common Misconceptions?linkPorn is increasing here
We tend to notice things more when they aren't to our preference, but a quick look at our pages shows that hardcore content makes up a small portion of the overall content. The mix of overtly sexual content has been consistent from the beginning, and it's always driven by what the users want, not some corporate agenda.
This site is all guys
According to Google Analytics, women make up almost half of our visitors. Males will always be majority of visitors to any adult site, but you probably won't find one with a female presence that can match ours.
Harrassment is tolerated
Unlike other social media websites, we do not allow users who demean others. Everyone is encouraged to flag bad behavior, and Messmaster reviews every single report. When someone feels aggrieved, it may be for a legitimate reason, but in a world where people are often ignored, the tendency is often to embellish the story a little so their voice gets heard. Unfortunately there are people who who wait for these situations, take the most cynical interpretation, and then predict the downfall of the whole site with a peculiar glee. These people pour salt on the wound right when the community is at its most vulnerable, but almost never do anything to boost the community or offer real actionable ideas. We call these people chaos agents, and while they'll always be around, they can always teach us something about how humanity really works.
People are leaving UMD for other sites
There used to be many more sites catering to the WAM audience, and we've always supported them, linked to them, and suggested that producers offer their content on as many platforms as possible. Over the decades we've watched sadly as they've disappeared, so we are extremely happy if more alternatives are popping up for our community to enjoy. Besides a few anecdotes from disgruntled users, it is not true that UMD policy or moderators are causing droves of people to defect from this site.
UMD is based in the UK
This site was started in Wilmington, Delaware, USA back in 1998 and is currently run from Philadelphia by the same guy, Messmaster.
UMD is just another corporate site
This site needs to generate revenue in order to operate, but it's made ethical decisions that no other site would: We've never used pop-up ads, blind or misleading links, or video ad bumpers. We've never sold user data or spammed anyone. We don't even have a bot problem. This remains a deeply personal, private project of Messmaster, driven by the community's consensus rather than revenue goals.